Assessment Report

All good business is a result of trust. Ask for an Assessment Report and learn what you need to be successful in Europe with your company.

We are a company dedicated to helping businesses outside of Europe establish a strong presence within the European market. We understand that true business success is built on trust and relationships, so we offer more than just services – we offer friendship.

Let us be your trusted partner in Europe, guiding you every step of the way as you navigate this diverse and dynamic market.

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An assessment report is the right start

Learn what you need to be successful in Europe with your company.

Establish Your European Success with a 18-Month Program

The concept “A Friend in Europe” is a comprehensive program that spans 18 months. The goal is to help you establish a new European subsidiary that, by the end of the 18 months, has reached a point where your investment has paid off, achieving break-even status.

However, to qualify for the “A Friend in Europe” program, your company must first undergo an assessment process.

This assessment is multifaceted and designed to evaluate whether your company is ready to enter the European market. We examine how well your business is prepared to comply with European legislation and product regulations, and how the design of your product aligns with the preferences of European customers. Throughout this process, we provide guidance and support to help you become fully prepared.

Often, it’s the small details, such as color schemes and design elements, that determine whether your product will succeed in the European market. However, product quality is also a critical factor that cannot be overlooked.


Download our brochure about the assessment report – in English here.

Download our brochure about the assessment report – in Chinese here.

assessment report

Make informed decisions for European expansion with our expert assessment

An assessment report helps you make an informed decision about whether the time is right to enter the European market or if it might be better to wait. Be sure to visit our page: A friend in Europe – here” for more details.

If you’re interested in exploring this opportunity, reach out to us, and one of our local partners will contact you to discuss the possibilities.

Reach for success

No task is too big, no one too small, we have a huge network and the experience to make things happen.

Nothing in this world is impossible, remember that in 1969 people were sent to the moon and back with a thousandth of the data power your mobile phone possesses, so limitations are only those that exist in the brain of the one who sees the challenge.

We run our business based on a favorite quote from Winston Churchill:

“A pessimist sees difficulties in every possibility. An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty”.

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Reach for success

No task is too big, no one too small, we have a huge network and the experience to make things happen.

Nothing in this world is impossible, remember that in 1969 people were sent to the moon and back with a thousandth of the data power your mobile phone possesses, so limitations are only those that exist in the brain of the one who sees the challenge.

We run our business based on a favorite quote from Winston Churchill:

“A pessimist sees difficulties in every possibility. An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty”.

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