New product or market - Use our knowhow and experience

Is your company exploring new products or market. Get business knowledge and help in the development phase.

A friend in Europe
A market without borders for trade, without customs and VAT, makes it important to have the right starting point for your business within the European Union.
Assessment Report
We assist companies from outside Europe in setting up their operations within Europe. We believe strong relationships are key to success, and we offer to be your trusted partner.
Promotion video

Increased Visibility with video. Stand out in a crowded marketplace with high-impact visuals. Boost your market presence with a professional product promotion video.

We are here to support your business. We is your ideal partner if your company is considering entering new markets or facing challenges in bringing a new product from development to market.

We can assist you every step of the way. We offer tailored solutions to reduce production costs and assist with establishing domestic production facilities. If you answered yes to one or more of these scenarios, we are the right place to start.

With a strong focus on helping businesses navigate the complexities of new market entry and product launch, we ensure that your new product reaches its target market efficiently and effectively. Our extensive expertise in global markets enables us to provide you with the strategic insights needed to succeed.

Our motto is “Growth is not our aim; it’s our game“. We don’t just aim for growth – we make it happen.

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Turn your business ideas into reality

Get help with development and production

We offer comprehensive advice and support to businesses facing complex challenges and growth opportunities.
What can your friend in Europe offer?

Start your European business

business Nyt produkt New product, knowhow

Denmark is the safest and least corrupt country in the EU. It also has the simplest and most cost-effective process for starting a company in Europe. We handle all aspects of establishing your presence in the European market, which is economically attractive and where customers are willing to pay for products or services.

Find a great market for your product

business Nyt produkt New product, knowhow

We are confident that you have the world's best product, but is it suitable for the European market? Success in this diverse market requires more than just introducing a product; it demands a strategic approach to identify the most promising markets within the EU.

Management of storage and distribution

business knowhow New product, knowhow

Once the sale is secured, we ensure that your goods are distributed through access to the largest transport hubs in Europe. There are numerous possibilities for storage and transport solutions, and in this particular field, Danish companies are world champions.

What We Offer

With 30 years of experience in production, development, construction, sales, and management

With 30 years of expertise we are fully equipped to support your business. We provide access to a vast business network and possess deep knowledge in product development and marketing, both domestically and internationally.

We would be pleased to discuss your challenges and opportunities over a meeting. If your board is seeking a new, progressive perspective, we encourage you to contact us today.

Your Strategic Partner

We specialize in guiding businesses through critical phases of growth and transformation. Whether you’re considering entering new markets, launching a new product, or establishing new production facilities, we are here to help you navigate these processes.

We offer assistance with:

Market Analysis and Strategy Development

  • We provide in-depth market analyses to identify opportunities and risks associated with entering new markets.
  • We develop tailored strategies for marketing and positioning your product to effectively reach the right segment.

Product Development and Launch

  • We help turn your ideas into successful products by guiding you through the entire development process, from concept to market.
  • We offer advice on product design, prototyping, and testing to ensure your product meets market needs.

Export and Internationalization

  • Our experts advise on regulatory requirements and logistics for exporting to and from the EU.
  • We assist in developing a robust export strategy and establishing networks across borders.

Production Optimization and Outsourcing

  • We evaluate your current production processes to identify areas for cost savings and efficiencies.
  • We provide guidance on outsourcing to countries, including supplier selection and contract negotiations.

UnikConsultant is dedicated to delivering value through innovative solutions and expertise. We work closely with you to understand your business’s unique needs and goals, and we tirelessly ensure that your projects are successfully completed.

Let us be your partner in realizing your business’s full potential.

We are located in the AI Innovation House

We are based in the AI Innovation House, located in DANDY Business Park, Vejle, home to one of Denmark’s leading innovation environments.

We operate at the forefront of digitalization and artificial intelligence.

Our mission is to drive growth and prosperity for businesses worldwide.

ai house
Reach for success

No task is too big, no one too small, we have a huge network and the experience to make things happen.

Nothing in this world is impossible, remember that in 1969 people were sent to the moon and back with a thousandth of the data power your mobile phone possesses, so limitations are only those that exist in the brain of the one who sees the challenge.

We run our business based on a favorite quote from Winston Churchill:

“A pessimist sees difficulties in every possibility. An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty”.

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Reach for success

No task is too big, no one too small, we have a huge network and the experience to make things happen.

Nothing in this world is impossible, remember that in 1969 people were sent to the moon and back with a thousandth of the data power your mobile phone possesses, so limitations are only those that exist in the brain of the one who sees the challenge.

We run our business based on a favorite quote from Winston Churchill:

“A pessimist sees difficulties in every possibility. An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty”.

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