A friend in Europe

Your helping hand to enter the European market

500 million people, many differences, but one market!

A market that is without borders for trade, no customs and VAT, therefore it is important to have the right starting point for your business within the European Union. The best starting point is always Scandinavia, which with the strongest economy is the best starting point. Scandinavia, Sweden, Finland and Denmark are part of the EU and out of these countries, only Denmark is directly physically connected to the rest of Europe.

What can your friend in Europe offer?

Start your European business

As the safest and least corrupt country in the EU, Denmark stands out like a spearhead. It is also the country in Europe that has the simplest way to set up a company and at the same time the place where it is most economically advantageous. Everything is handled here electronically and the requirements for initial capital are minimal. We therefore recommend Denmark as the home address for your European introduction.
We offer to take care of everything in relation to launching your European bridgehead into a lucrative market with a high willingness to pay.

Find market and customers for your product

We are sure you have the world's best product, but is it suitable for a European market? Does it have the right color and design? Are the features and instructions clear to the European consumer? Is the customer group the same as in your home market? How do you communicate with the populations of the 26 different countries that are within the EU? How do you find out the right marketing and should salespeople be hired, or is it best to go after the 10 largest European customers as the first approach?
We have the answers to these questions and we have the experience which says that no two products are the same, it is a different approach for each one.

Management of storage and distribution

When the sale is secured, we ensure with access to the largest transport hubs in Europe that your goods are distributed.
Here there are many possibilities for storage and transport solutions and in this particular field Danish companies are world champions. Many people know Maersk and DSV, but there are numerous options that we have access to and agreements with so that you can concentrate on producing and delivering to your European warehouse, which can be a flexible unit that does not need an expensive warehouse with a fixed address and a comprehensive administration. We manage all these things as your friend in Europe.

"With 30 years of experience in management and building companies, I am ready to be "your friend in Europe". I believe in personal contact and through this, most of my business contacts over time have also ended up as my personal friends. With extensive experience in trade with, among other things, Chinese companies, the network is large in both the EU and Asia. Contact us today, we are ready to become your friend too."

Karl Andreassen


Contact "A friend in Europe" today